Rachel Márquez
Recent News
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November 2017
I've been busy pursuing more channels for my illustration. I finally finished this painting (left), which I sketched back in January and only just re-visited this month. I have plenty more ideas in the works, so keep an eye on my facebook art page and my Instagram! I also joined the Society of Childrens Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) this month, and I'm excited to see what opportunities this will bring!
I know I posted about this last month, but I finally have a
video I can link to! So, if you haven't already seen me as the astronaut in the NowTV advert, click here!
I was back in Ireland at the beginning of the month doing more filming for the Skillsoft corporate training videos. The same company also did some more filming at the Wapping Press in London, which is a beautiful studio with great people to work with. I also got some time to sit behind the sound booth and get a sketch done, which was a fun challenge... that was a lot of buttons and wires!
I'm honored to have one of my headshots chosen to be featured on the new YouDeserveThis team's new business cards! I always love working with these guys. If you need headshots, business portraits, or family photos, check them out! They're lovely to work with and the resulting photos are always stunning!
I had a small feature as the receptionist in an online video for Small Luxury Hotels back in the spring. It's finally finished, so click here to check it out!
It's coming on Christmas! Have you figured out what you want to do for your personal/company Holiday Card? Or would you like to commission a portrait or drawing for that special someone? Check out this link to see how I might be able to help!
October 2017
It's been a great month for artwork. Autumn and Halloween are such an inspiring time for me, and I got quite a lot of new sketches done. I also got my Halloween card/painting done in time for the actual holiday! I actually drew the sketch back in July, but I finally got a chance to sit down and finish it this month. To see the process behind the making of this little witch, visit my Patreon page and pledge to get access to my Online Sketchbook! I have lots of new content just waiting to be explored: including a history of all my past Halloween cards, dozens of new sketches, behind the scenes and more!
Remember the children's book I've been working on since summer 2016? Well, it's now available to buy on Amazon! Click these links to buy a copy in the UK or the USA!
You can catch me on TV as the astronaut in the new NowTV advert! I'll post the video to my facebook page once I find it online.
Once again, it's time to go back to Dublin for another Skillsoft corporate video shoot! I got to be there for Halloween last year, and I'm so glad to be there again on the same holiday. The Irish really go all-out for Halloween, so I'm hoping to have time to enjoy a little spooky fun while I'm there.
One more thing: the Christmas Card orders have started to come in, so if you'd like me to make a Christmas Card for you and your family or business, please e-mail me at rachel@rachelmarquez.com! It's just around the corner, so get your order in early!
September 2017
- Erick and I did a short film together earlier in the year and it's finally done! Click here to watch it! Erick's the only one who shows up onscreen, but I had a great time playing a character who is heard and not seen. Hope you enjoy!
I've been busy getting a new portion of my website up and running: My Online Sketchbook. Check out the video here to learn more, or click here to view my Patreon Page! Speaking of my Online Sketchbook and the kinds of things you can see there... I was recently commissioned to create a new logo for the recently re-named Valdez Last Frontier Theatre Conference. The badge and logo have been finalized and you can see them here! By the way, I also was commissioned to design a poster for the Society for the Museum of Original Costume in Vancouver, BC. You can now see it on their website by clicking here.
A lot of other exciting projects were filmed this month, so hopefully I'll be able to share more with you next month! Till then, have a wonderful rest of your October and a Happy Halloween!
August 2017
I had two great voiceover sessions this month! One was for a sinfully delicious company I can't mention yet, and the other was for Macmillan Education, whom I've worked with several times in the past. I've fallen in love with voiceover work and I look forward to many more days behind the microphone. Thanks for all of these great opportunities, Soho Voices!
August tends to be the time when everyone goes on holiday before the build-up to Christmas, so I've been using my extra time to really work on my art and illustration. I've also been re-vamping my Patreon page and getting my online sketchbook updated and ready to go. As a result, I have two new commissions that I'm busily working on! To find out how to support me through Patreon and have access to my online sketchbook as well as plenty of other rewards, please click here!
I'm a proud member of American Actors UK, which is essentially a database for Casting Directors and other talent scouts to find professional actors who hail from the USA/Canada. They hosted a barbecue in the middle of London last weekend, and it was such fun to reunite with old friends, and to make some new ones! Check out the AAUK website to find out more!
May-July 2017
I got to play two women from the past in two very different projects. Kelmarsh House is having a refurbishment, and they're hoping to implement an interactive app which will allow visitors to meet the people who used to live in the house when you take a guided tour with your/a tablet. I portrayed Nancy Tree (photo on right), who was an American woman who moved to Britain in the early 20th century, and became the originator of the "Shabby Chic" interior design trend. It was facinating to find out more about this creative woman!I also got to portray Princess Sophie (photo on left), in an upcoming episode of "Wartime Crimes". This princess lost her jewellery during the American occupation of her family's castle during WWII
You may remember that my last Newsletter contained some "behind the scenes" photos of the Spring Collection from REVIVAL. Well, the final photos have been popping up all over their website and social media this summer, sand now you can head over to my Fashion page to see some of them!
While I celebrated my 30th birthday in March, my dear friend Karina celebrated the same milestone in May! She was extremely sweet and invited Erick and I to join in the family celebrations at her home in Denmark, and we were so happy that we could attend! I made a short video compilation of our photos/videos from the trip, so click here if you want to see it!
Shortly after we got back from Denmark, Erick and I went on a nice long break back to our home state of Alaska, where we got to participate in the annual Last Frontier Theatre Conference. We also visited Fairbanks, Anchorage, Girdwood, Kenai, and Juneau. I almost filled an entire sketchbook over the three weeks we spent traveling. Click here to see some of the drawings I completed on the Valdez portion of the trip. I'm thinking of perhaps publishing a book with some of my other sketches, so keep an eye out for new art updates!